120 mm to inches

How many inches is equal to 120 mm? 

The answer is 4.72440944882 inches, normally we round to two decimal places, and it is 4.72 inches.

How to convert 120 mm to Inches?

  1. Using my mmto inch converter, input your millimeter: 120, and it will show the convert result for you, you can copy the result by click the button “COPY”.
  1. Their actual conversion formula is: inches = 0.03937007874 * mm,you can multiply 120 millimeter (mm) value directly by 0.3937007874
    So, 120 mm = 120* 0.03937007874 inches = 4.72440944882 inches

Note: Please use rounding to retain the number of decimal places according to your calculation needs, and the results may be slightly different for different data requirements.

What Is millimeter (mm)

The millimeter is one of the units of length in the International System of Units (SI); one millimeter equals one thousandth of a meter, and there are one thousand millimeters in a meter. There are ten millimeters in a centimeter.

When do you need to use millimeters as a unit of measurement?

The application of millimeters is mainly used when the measurement of centimeters cannot be expressed or when more precise results are desired, and the value of millimeters may be retained to three decimals when it is necessary to measure and express it with greater precision. For example:

The diameter of the head of a large-head pin is about 2.1 millimeters.

Small-port ammunition for the Uzi assault rifle is 9 mm in diameter.

The thickness of a CD disk is about 1.3 millimeters.

A barber can do precise cuts of hair about 3 mm long (6 mm, or 9 mm, etc., depending on the type of barber)

Weather stations also use millimeters as the unit for measuring rainfall over a 24-hour period; when under 10 millimeters it is called light rain, when 10.0-24.9 millimeters it is considered moderate rain, when 25.0-49.9 millimeters it is considered heavy rain, torrential rains are generally 50.0-99.9 millimeters, and heavy rainfall is 100.0-250.0 millimeters, and rainfall in excess of 250.0 millimeters is referred to as extraordinarily heavy rainfall.

Relationship between millimeters and centimeters, decimeters and meters

1 millimeter (mm) = 0.001 meter (m)

1 millimeter (mm) = 0.01 decimeter (dm)

1 millimeter (mm)  = 0.1 centimeter (mm)

1000 meter (m) = 1 meter (m)

100 millimeters (mm) = 1 decimeter (dm)

10 millimeters (mm) = 1 centimeter (mm)

What is Inch?

The word “inch” comes from the Old English “ynce”, which is also the Latin “uncia” (meaning “one twelfth”). The word “inch” comes from the Old English “ynce” and the Latin “uncia” (meaning “one-twelfth”), which in Dutch originally meant thumb, and at that time meant that one inch was the length of one thumb. Of course, the length of a human thumb varies. It belongs to the British system of length measurement, is only in the United States and other very few countries are still used, it is defined as 1/36 yards, or 1/12 feet, in the 14th century, King Edward II promulgated the “standard legal inches”. The regulation is: from the middle of the barley spike to select the three largest grains of wheat head to head in a row length is 1 inch. Before the definition of inches is more confusing, different countries have different standards are quite different, until the last century after the adoption of the international code in the 1950s and 1960s, inches to metric units based on the precise definition of 25.4 millimeters, that is, 2.54 centimeters.

In daily life, the size of the display of our electronic products is usually measured by the length of the diagonal line, in “inches” as a unit. Calculate the number of inches of the screen of electronic products is: measure out the screen diagonal how many centimeters, and then the number of diagonal centimeters divided by 2.54, you can know how many inches of the screen.

Common conversions between inches and metric units of length:

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters;

1 inch = 25.4 millimeters;

1 inch = 0.254 decimeters;

1 inch = 0.0254 meters;

1 meter = 39.37 inches;

1 decimeter = 3.937 inches;

1 centimeter = 0.3937 inches;

1 millimeter = 0.03937 inches.

Millimeter [mm] To Inch [in] Conversion Table


FAQs of 120 MM to Inches

Through the formula I mentioned above, you can easily get answers to the following similar questions.

  • how many inches is 120mm?
  • what is 120mm equal to in inches
  • what is 120mm in inches?
  • how many inches in 120mm?
  • how much is 120mmin inches?
  • what is 120mm equivalent to in inches
  • how big is 120mmin inches?
  • how long is 120mmin inches?
  • how many inches are in 120mm?
  • How many inches are in 120mm?
  • How do I convert 120mm to inches?
  • What is the conversion factor for 120mmto inches?
  • Can you provide a simple formula for converting 120mm to inches?
  • What is the exact value of 120mm in inches?
  • Are there any online conversion tools to convert 120mmto inches?
  • Can I use a calculator to convert 120mmto inches?
  • Are there any other common ways to express 120mm in inches?
  • Is there a rounding convention when converting 120mmto inches?

Why do people need to convert MM to inches?


When traveling abroad, it is important for people to be familiar with the imperial system, especially if they are traveling to a country that uses the imperial system. This is because most of the units of measurement in these countries are imperial units, such as Inch.Knowing how to convert centimeters to inches will give you an idea of the units of measurement used in these countries and will help you in your daily activities.

Educational Purpose

Knowing how to convert centimeters to inches is also important for educational purposes. Your children are often taught both imperial and metric systems of measurement in school. Teachers who teach about the conversion between the two units will help kids better understand the concept of measurement and make it easier for them to solve math and physics.

Scientific applications

This is crucial for researchers. Especially because science is a field that relies heavily on measurement, it is crucial for scientists to understand how to convert between centimeters and inches in many scientific applications. Whether it’s measuring the length of an object or calculating the volume of a liquid, a full understanding of measurement conversions is essential to science.

DIY Projects

Especially for Americans, almost every household has a small garage for DIY projects or to prevent DIY tools. From building a house, to renovating a house, to creating craft projects, understanding how to convert centimeters to inches will help ensure the success of a project or improve the accuracy of the results, as accurate measurements are very important in DIY projects.


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